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Foot soak with hot ginger is a remedy to help relieve colds, support good sleep and help calm the parasympathetic nervous system. In addition, it promotes circulation, reduces inflammation, and helps eliminate bacteria and viruses. Since ginger is both warming and energizing, it is especially helpful in cold weather. The following article provides you with information about the effects of ginger foot bath.
1. Effect of foot bath with ginger water
According to Traditional Asian Medicine, the body is compared to a tree and the feet are considered the root of that tree. When trees wither, their roots wither. Similarly, as we age or with chronic health problems, foot-related symptoms such as neuralgia, varicose veins and circulation problems or imbalances will occur. . When the weather is hot, soak your feet in warm water for its soothing benefits. Regular foot bath with herbs will help keep your feet strong and your body will get many benefits from doing it. Here are the effects of soaking your feet in ginger water for you.
1.1. Pain relief in arthritis, polyarthritis Ginger water mixed with salt has the effect of soothing the pain of arthritis, preventing ankle joint pain, heel pain. When you perform a foot bath with hot water mixed with salt and crushed ginger daily in the evening, it is not only beneficial for your feet but also can prevent many diseases for yourself.
1.2. Treatment of cold feet Perform a foot bath in warm water (40 - 50oC) mixed with salt and crushed ginger for about 20 minutes a day to dilate blood vessels, helping blood to circulate throughout the body. You can also soak your hands in this water mixture to help you have a deeper sleep. In the process of soaking your feet and hands, you should massage or gently massage your feet and hands to increase blood circulation.
1.3. Pain relief from foot injuries This method is only applicable to soft injuries, not in the case of open wounds.
In the pain relief methods of rehabilitation techniques after injury, there are two methods: hot compress and cold compress. Then the method of soaking your feet or hands with warm ginger water mixed with salt helps relieve foot and hand muscle pain immediately and helps your mind relax and be more comfortable.
1.4. Due to the vasodilating properties of hot ginger water, it also causes your blood pressure to drop significantly when it is suddenly elevated. Although hot ground ginger water is in contact with the outside of your feet, through it, the acupuncture points on the soles of the feet will cause blood vessels to dilate, accordingly blood pressure will slowly decrease.
1.5. Cure Insomnia A safe, inexpensive but extremely effective remedy for insomnia is to soak your feet in warm ginger water every night before going to bed. The reason is, when you come home after a hard day's work, soaking your feet in a basin of warm ginger water not only dispels fatigue, but also makes your central nervous system gently stimulated, inhibiting the cortex. brain, helps you sleep deeply, sleep well and recover quickly.
1.6. Cure spermatozoa, premature ejaculation. One of the benefits of a foot bath with ginger salt is its tonic effect on the kidneys and yang, increasing vitality, promoting blood circulation to all parts of the body, including the genitals. Under the action of ginger salt and warm water, the nerve endings in the feet will be stimulated and have a positive effect on the central nervous system to help men relax mentally and easily fall asleep. Thanks to that, soaking your feet with warm salt water can support the healing process of physiological weakness more effectively.
1.7. Eliminate fatigue Simply soaking your feet in negative water is enough to make you comfortable, warm your body and when you combine warm water with crushed ginger and a little salt, the effects of this will increase. multiply, make the mind relax, circulate blood. The acupuncture points on the soles of the feet are activated to help enhance the detoxification function of most organs in the body, the blood vessels in the brain dilate, making blood flow easier, providing oxygen to the brain well. than.
1.8. Alleviate lower extremity venous thrombosis. Pregnant women who come to the stage when the pregnant belly is large often have pain in the hips and calves, leg swelling, poor blood circulation, the foot bath with warm ginger water is especially effective and safe for both mother and baby.
This does not apply to patients with varicose veins of the lower extremities.
1.9. The effect of ginger salt is to moisturize, exfoliate, reduce inflammation, relieve itching, pain, and can lightly disinfect the skin to help the skin affected by pimples quickly recover. In addition, salt has high antiseptic properties, which can prevent and support the treatment of foot boils.
1.10. Reduce foot swelling Ginger salt mixed with hot water helps reduce swelling of the feet, hot water improves blood circulation. Such a foot bath will help improve circulation, reduce and prevent blood and fluid stasis in the feet/ankles
2. Different ways to soak your feet with ginger water
2.1. How to soak your feet in traditional ginger water To get the most out of ginger, use fresh ginger and simmer it. (Avoid boiling will strip away its essential oils and thus reduce its medicinal properties.) While dried ginger can be used for a foot soak, fresh ginger is best.
Cut ginger into small pieces about 1 knuckle and mince or puree. Place the grated ginger in a medium saucepan and add 1 quart of water. Simmer over low heat for 15 to 20 minutes. Do not boil. Meanwhile, pour hot water into a basin or basin large enough for both feet. Strain the ginger juice into a larger bucket with hot water; remove ginger. Comfort in your feet, relax and enjoy. When the foot bath cools, refresh the basin with hot water to keep the temperature right. Have a thermos of hot water or an electric teapot ready. Or you can use the foot bath machines available on the market that are very convenient but also very affordable. You just need to process ginger and put it in a filter bag, drop it into the foot bath machine and turn on the start switch, then enjoy it.
2.2. Ginger water foot soak with other herbs. Other medicinal ingredients improve a wide range of symptoms. For their refreshing feeling as well as their healing properties, add a few drops of essential oils like lavender or rose. You can also add ginger to any of the following decoctions if you also want to boost circulation and ward off cold germs.
Simmer 1⁄4 to 1/3 cup dry herbs, like angelica or dandelion, for 40 minutes. Simmer with 1 cup of fresh herbs, like rosemary, for 20 minutes. Without simmering, add directly to a hot bath: lemon juice, vinegar, Epsom salt, alcohol, or 5 drops essential oil (mix in a carrier oil like olive oil) Angelica Root (1/3 cup) and dried longan (2 tbsp) —Relaxes, brightens and helps reduce pigmentation problems
Dandelion root —Locks in heat and disease-causing toxins
Epsom salt — Relieves constipation and tired; muscle relaxation
Rosemary — Creates warmth and aids memory
Tea tree oil (add 5 drops to a carrier oil like olive oil) or vinegar —For fungal infections; to combat foot odor
Vinegar or lemon juice —Softens calloused feet
Vodka or whiskey (1⁄4 cups) —Boosts circulation (cheap alcohol is good too)
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