Walkthrough - Astro Bot Guide - IGN (2025)

Astro Bot has six worlds and dozens of levels to complete with Bots, Puzzle Pieces, and Costumes to collect, secret portals to find, and trophies to earn. IGN's 100% Astro Bot walkthrough will guide you to every collectible and secret.

Getting Started

As you progress in Astro Bot, you'll need to collect bots to unlock new worlds and puzzle pieces to unlock more features around the Crash Site. There's also an Astro Bot Platinum Trophy to go after - which takes, on average, 13 hours to acquire. Though the 100% Walkthrough will take you through each collectible, here's every collectible guide and more:

  • Platinum Trophy Guide and Checklist
  • Rescued Bots
  • Puzzle Pieces
  • Gatcha Lab (unlocked after the first 16 Puzzle Pieces. Use coins here for items and costumes!)
  • Power Ups


Astro Bot Walkthrough

Though you'll first play through a short tutorial that teaches you to jump with X, double jump by pressing X then X again, and punch with Square, the real objectives of Astro Bot don't start until you enter the first world!

  • World 1 - Gorilla Nebula
  • World 2 - Tentacle System
  • World 3 - Serpent Starway
  • World 4 - Camo Cosmos
  • World 5 - Feather Cluster
  • World 6 - Lost Galaxy

World 1 - Gorilla Nebula

The Gorilla Nebula has 42 Bots, 16 Puzzle Pieces, 2 Lost Galaxy Portals, 6 main planets, and 3 unlockable asteroid planets.

LevelBotsPuzzle PiecesPortals100% Completion
Sky Garden730

Creamy Canyon731

Az-Tech Trail731

Construction Derby7130

Gorilla Nebula Boss (Mighty Chewy)100

Apes On The Loose1030

Crash Site Detour 1
Crumble Rumble 1100

Retro Rampage 1100

Rolling Star Sola100

There is one Puzzle Piece that floats in space in the Gorilla Nebula once you've beaten all levels through Apes On The Loose.

World 2 - Tentacle System

The Tentacle System has 43 bots, 16 puzzle pieces, 2 Lost Galaxy Portals, 6 main planets, and 3 unlockable asteroid planets.


LevelBotsPuzzle PiecesPortals100% Completion
Go Go Archipelago730

Downsize Surprise731

Trunk of Funk 730

Wormy Passage730

Tentacle System Boss (Wako Tako)100

Bot of War700

Crash Site Detour 2
Crumble Rumble 2100

Retro Rampage 2100

Lost Triangle Void Levels400

World 3 - Serpent Starway

The Serpent Starway has 42 Bots, 16 Puzzle Pieces, 2 Lost Galaxy Portals, 6 main planets, and 4 unlockable asteroid planets.

LevelBotsPuzzle PiecesPortals100% Completion
Slo-Mo Casino730

Bathhouse Battle731

Free Big Brother731

Trapped In Time730

Serpent Starway Boss (Lady Venomare)100

Dude Raiding630

Crash Site Detour 3
Crumble Rumble 3100

Retro Rampage 3100

Rolling Star Luna100

Lost Circle Void Levels400

World 4 - Camo Cosmos

The Camo Cosmos has 40 bots, 16 puzzle pieces, 2 Lost Galaxy portals, 6 main planets, and 3 unlockable asteroid planets.

LevelBotsPuzzle PiecesPortals100% Completion
Hieroglitch Pyramid731

Bubbling Under731

Balloon Breeze731

Spooky Time730

Camo Cosmos Boss (Mecha Leon)100

Going Loco530

Crash Site Detour 4
Retro Rampage 4100

Crumble Rumble 4100

Lost Square Void Levels100

World 5 - Feather Cluster

The Feather Cluster has 48 bots, 19 puzzle pieces, 2 Lost Galaxy Portals, 7 main planets, and 4 unlockable asteroid planets.


LevelBotsPuzzle PiecesPortals100% Completion
Djinny of the Lamp731

Luna Sola730

Frozen Meal731

Cannon Brawl730

Orbital Blitz730

Djinny’s Revenge100

Feather Cluster Boss (Falcon Mcfly)100

Machine Learning100

Retro Rampage 5100

Crumble Rumble 5100

Lost Cross Void Levels400

World 6 - Lost Galaxy

The Lost Galaxy has 55 bots and 22 puzzle pieces. Each of the 11 levels can be found by finding a secret exit in various other levels throughout the universe.

Portal FromLevelBotsPuzzle Pieces100% Completion
Az-Tech TrailFan Club52

Creamy Canyon Funky Fungi52

Go-Go ArchipelagoLight Bulb Limbo52

Downsize SurpriseBoxel Bust-Up52

Bathhouse BattleFurnace Fever52

Free Big Brother!Ghouls and Bots52

Heiroglitch PyramidRocket Pull Power!52

Balloon BreezeDanger Dojo52

Djinny of the LampHigh-Suction Hero52

Frozen MealTurtles in Trash52

Finish all other Lost Galaxy LevelsFinal Encore52

How to Unlock the Great Master Challenge

After you've collected all Bots and all Puzzle Pieces for 100% completion, you'll unlock another level!

  • Great Master Challenge Walkthrough

DLC Add-Ons

Here are walkthroughs for the two post-release add-ons:

  • Stellar Speedway
  • Winter Wonder

Up Next: Crash Site

PreviousAstro Bot GuideNextCrash Site

Top Guide Sections

  • Walkthrough
  • Platinum Trophy Guide and Checklist
  • All Bots and Bot Locations
  • Puzzle Pieces

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Astro Bot

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PlayStation 5
Walkthrough - Astro Bot Guide - IGN (2025)


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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Author information

Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.