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MagisterFlopsy Since: May, 2021
09/04/2022 00:51:09 ••• Flag This
This is a review for the Rising Ruby and Sinking Sapphire ROM Hacks for Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire made by the man, the myth, the legend himself: Drayano60. The narrative and characters in these games is completely untouched. All changes are strictly gameplay related. As such, this will largely focus on the changes made to the base game.
The good:
> Gone is the easy Pokemon made for those damn kids and their attention-hogging smartphones. Trainer AI is greatly improved. Additionally, every gym leader and member of the Pokemon league is... Read More
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catmuto Since: Nov, 2012
02/20/2018 05:13:48 ••• Flag This
VideoGame For A Remake, It Feels Woefully Like The Original
Aside from updating the graphics and a handful of background mechanics, ORAS do not feel like proper remakes. Nothing in the story has actually changed compared to Ruby/Sapphire, except you now have to face a 'Primal' version of the cover-monster. And by Primal, we mean some glowly lines and nothing else.
The touch screen is used for various features, like the DexNav letting you sneak up on Pokémon in the grass, a BuzzNav that talks constantly about the player and nothing else, the PlayNav that gives you the touch screen features from X/Y and... Read More
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BigKlingy Since: Apr, 2011
10/24/2016 22:26:57 ••• Flag This
I've always been all for remakes, as they let a new genertion experience a game they missed, but tweaked for modern times. Heart Gold and Soul Silver were a Tough Act to Follow for me though, so I was a little worried...
For those who played the originals:
But these games ended up surprising me, though not in the way I expected. These are the first remakes made after Black and White, and it seems they took that game's approach: the main improvement of the remakes is the plot. The originals' plot was ambitious for its time, but it's become... Read More
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Spanks Since: Jan, 2015
04/20/2015 21:32:59 ••• Flag This
VideoGame A halfhearted remake that doesn't know what it wants to be.
Since 2009, Pokemon crawled out of it's 2000's Dork Age with Pokemon Platinum, a vastly improved remake of Diamond and Pearl, and the best one since Emerald.
Platinum was the breakthrough hit the series needed to get back on track, and Pokemon games since have reaped the rewards. Heart Gold and Soul Silver in 2010 were not merely great remakes of the Gen 2 games, but great games period. Black and White completely shifted the formula entirely, turning all the traditions and tropes the series became known for on it's head, and Black 2 and White... Read More
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flameboy21th Since: Jan, 2013
12/10/2014 21:44:49 ••• Flag This
This review concerns the core adventure (beating bad guys and being Champion). Multiplayer, contests, postgame, catching 'em all do not apply here)
Pokemon Emerald, or the Chinese bootleg of it, was my first Pokemon game. For this reason, I do not have good memories with it. But biases aside, is it any good?
Gen III introduces double battle, during which the balance of the game changes instantly. Moves like leer, growl, and surf became buffed while you'll need to think twice before pulling explosion. They don't happen often enough (and even... Read More
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CalamityJane Since: Mar, 2010
11/25/2014 15:08:41 ••• Flag This
VideoGame Diversity is key
First things first: If you want to avoid meeting Tentacools on water, use repels. That solves ALL of your problems with surfing, so I see no reason to complain about that.
Second of all, I will admit this was the generation that introduced me to Pokemon, so Nostalgia Filter may be in play here, but I will say that this region is the prettiest. You get to see deserts, volcanoes, secluded basins, floating houses, rainforests, heck, you can even go underwater. I have never seen such diversity before or after this generation was introduced, and... Read More
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CalvinLuther Since: Jun, 2010
10/07/2014 05:40:03 ••• Flag This
Terrible villians.
This is probably the single worst thing about Ruby and Sapphire. The simple fact that the antagonists are just... lame.
Team Aqua is an organization that wants more oceans.
Team Magma is an organization that wants more land.
I dunno. I really... I really don't know. Maybe the guy who started Magma's parents drowned or something? I don't know.
Team Rocket was a criminal organization that stole Pokemon for profit. That doesn't make them great villians, but they at least have a clear goal, and you can understand why they... Read More
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KOman Since: Jul, 2013
06/22/2014 09:32:31 ••• Flag This
VideoGame Generation III review
Gen III, disregarding the Gen I remakes, includes Ruby and Sapphire, and later Emerald.
Setting: The Hoenn region, which is half terrain and half water, has a nature theme.
Story: You fight against Team Magma (Ruby) or Team Aqua (Sapphire); both are fought in Emerald. The former wants to increase landmass for terrestrial life with Groudon while the latter seeks to expand the seas for aquatic life with Kyogre. It's unique from Team Rocket, but both are quite myopic about the side-effects of their goals, especially Aqua.
Pokémon: Gen III... Read More
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Scardoll Since: Nov, 2010
03/06/2014 10:43:59 ••• Flag This
Why are Ruby and Sapphire often called "The boring Generation"? They're not bad games, they introduced a lot of new concepts, the graphics were lush... And yet, there still exists a vocal hatedom. Well, here's my personal account.
Oh boy. I remember first reading about Ruby and Sapphire in a random gaming magazine, and what interested me the most was the new region: Hoenn. Truth be told, I was not a fan of Johto when I played Gold. Johto lacked the mystique of Kanto, the variety of pokemon, the feel. In many ways, Johto was Kanto 2.0. Yet... Read More
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Rashrules Since: Nov, 2009
11/08/2011 16:28:13 ••• Flag This
VideoGame Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald (Generation 3) (Game Boy Advance)
Possibly the most disliked generation in the series (until recently, I'll expand more on that later), Generation 3 was criticized for not having enough old Pokemon in it's regional Pokedex, too big a sea, and 'losing the magic' (most kids who grew up with Generations 1 and 2 were now adolescents who entered their "Pokemon is stupid and for kids!" phase) which the previous two generations had.
Hell no.
Pokemon RSE were groundbreaking. It was the first 'reboot' for the series, changing the underlying mechanics like E Vs and I Vs and making them... Read More
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